


Opening Hours

Tue - Fri 9AM - 6PM

Specialized Body Treatments




Treatments Available:

  • Lymphatic Massage After Surgery
  • Reduce and Contour Treatment
  • Buttocks Lift
  • Carboxitherapy
  • Cellulite Treatment



Lumicell Wave 6 Cellulite Treatment

Find smooth and firm skin
This treatment is done with the advanced Lumicell Wave 6 technology which improves the appearance of the skin and body contouring. Painless and safe, Lumicell Wave 6 corrects the following problems: 
• Heavy legs;
• Appearance of orange peel;
• Upholstery of the skin;
• Appearance of waves on the inside of the thighs;
• Localized fatty deposits;
• Sagging skin;
• Irregularities in body contours. 
The treatment takes place in four phases for fast and lasting results.
1 A powerful suction massage that releases lymphatic blockages and activates blood circulation. Infrared light warms the tissues and stimulates the elimination of fat.
2 Ultrasounds that work the deep fat layers to release fat.
3 A radio frequency that increases the production of collagen, firms the skin and improves its external appearance.